How to buy train tickets
How do I buy train tickets
We have a range of great features on our site to help you buy train tickets quickly and easily, to help you find the best deal for your train journey:
- Clear and easy to use train times and fares results
- You can print your tickets at home or work with no queuing!
- Get the best seat in the house with our Advance train tickets
Start your search
- Start your search via the 'Find your train' panel found on the homepage or 'Buy tickets' panel which can be found across the site
- Enter your journey details
- Use the menu items to refine your search
Choose your train and fare
Once you have specified your journey, you should choose your train time and fare. Our easy to use results shows you train times and fares straight away.
How do I select my seat on a CrossCountry service?
You can reserve your seat (subject to availability) in one of the following ways:
- When you book a ticket on the day of travel via our site or CrossCountry app in advance, or up to 15 minutes before travel
- When you book the day before departure from any train ticket retailer
- Contact our Customer Relations team at least one day before your departure (if you have booked your journey and haven't received a seat reservation)
Print your tickets at home or work with no queuing!
If you're buying Advance train ticket(s) with us, one of the delivery options you can choose is an e-Ticket. Select this option and your ticket will be e-mailed to you. You can choose to print this off, show this on your phone or display on our CrossCountry app, saving you time and hassle!
Changing my journey
Some tickets which have already been purchased can be amended, depending on what you wish to change, however there may be a fee for doing so. Find out how to change your ticket here.
You are able to change the date and time of your Advance train tickets if booked directly with us for free. Take a look at our FAQ's page for more information.