Our Terms & Conditions
This website is operated by XC Trains Limited ("we", "us") a company registered in England and Wales (company number 04402048) with its registered office at Admiral Way, Doxford International Business Park, Sunderland, SR3 3XP. By using this website you agree to be bound by these terms. If you do not accept these terms, please do not use this website. We may modify these terms and conditions at any time by publishing the modified terms and conditions on this website. Any modifications shall take effect 3 days after posting on this website.
We are committed to protecting your privacy and making our website accessible to all users. Please see our Privacy policy and Accessibility policy for further details.
If you would like to contact us in relation to this website or these terms please use our Help page.
1. Access and content
We endeavour to allow uninterrupted access to the website, but access may be suspended, restricted or terminated at any time.
We reserve the right to change, modify, substitute or remove without notice any information on this website.
We assume no responsibility for the contents of any other websites to which you access via this website.
2. Intellectual Property
The intellectual property in all material on this website (including the text, design, images, graphics, their selection and arrangement and source code) belongs to us and our licensors. You may not alter, copy or redistribute the material without our prior written permission. However you may save or print a single copy for your own non-commercial use.
You shall retain ownership of all copyright in data you submit to this website. You grant us a world-wide exclusive, royalty-free, non-terminable licence to use, copy, distribute, publish and transmit such data in any manner.
3. Disclaimer
We use reasonable endeavours to ensure that the data on this website is accurate and to correct any errors or omissions as soon as practicable after being notified of them. To the extent permitted by applicable law, we disclaim all warranties and representations (whether express or implied) as to the accuracy of any information contained on this website. We do not guarantee that this website will be fault free and do not accept liability for any errors or omissions.
4. Liability
We exclude, to the fullest extent permissible by law, all liability for any loss or damage (including indirect loss, consequential loss, loss of profit, data, revenue, business opportunity, anticipated savings, goodwill or reputation) whether in contract, tort or otherwise arising out of or in connection with this website, inability to access this website, or any websites linked to this website.
5. Tickets
The ticketing facility accessed via this website is operated by Trainline.com Limited. Any ticket transaction is solely between you and Trainline.com and is subject to Trainline.com's terms and conditions. We are not a party to the transaction and exclude all liability for any loss or damage arising from or in connection with the transaction.
6. Governing law
These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law.
Any disputes shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts, to which both parties submit.
Please read the following in relation to www.crosscountrytrains.co.uk pages
Customers using this website are advised that those pages with a web address prefixed by www.crosscountrytrains.co.uk - are managed by Cross Country Trains Ltd ("CrossCountry Trains") and, as such, CrossCountry Trains is responsible for the content, detail and links contained within them as well as the use of cookies created by these pages. Please read the CrossCountry Trains Website Terms and Conditions in relation to your usage of this website and the CrossCountry Trains Privacy Policy in relation to any personal data collected and cookies used by CrossCountry Trains in this regard.
Please read the following in relation to www.buytickets.crosscountrytrains.co.uk or m.buytickets.crosscountrytrains.couk pages
The booking engine transactional pages - those with a web address prefixed by www.buytickets.crosscountrytrains.co.uk - are, meanwhile, managed by Trainline.com Limited ("Trainline") and, as such, your use of this part of the website should be in accordance with Trainline's Website Usage Policy.
Customers purchasing a ticket(s) for travel are advised that they are entering into a contract with Trainline in accordance with the Terms and Conditions relating to the Online Purchase of Tickets and that, in these cases, any queries regarding the purchase of the ticket(s) should be directed to Trainline. The Trainline Privacy Policy shall apply in relation to any personal data collected and cookies used by Trainline in this regard.
1. Definitions
In these Terms and Conditions, the following words have the following meanings:
"Information" means all material delivered by CrossCountry through the Hotspot.
"User" or "you" means the Hotspot end-user.
"Terms and Conditions" means these terms and conditions relating to the Hotspot.
2. Important Information
2.1. You must read and accept these Terms and Conditions before you access and use the Wi-Fi service (hereafter referred to as the "Hotspot"). By: (i) accessing and using the Hotspot; or (ii) purchasing a voucher for access and/or use of the Hotspot (a "Hotspot Voucher") you agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions set out below. If you do not wish to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, please do not use the Hotspot or purchase a Hotspot Voucher.
2.2. CrossCountry's Privacy Policy forms part of these Terms and Conditions and you should read the Privacy Policy carefully before agreeing to these Terms and Conditions. The CrossCountry privacy policy is available at the following link: https://www.crosscountrytrains.co.uk/privacy-policy.
2.3. If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions, please contact CrossCountry's Wi-Fi service desk at [email protected] or on 0330 088 1270 before continuing (lines manned 05.00 to 02.00 each day, calls will be charged at local rate from a BT landline. Calls from other operators and mobiles may vary and may cost more).
2.4. If you are aged under 18, before you access and use the Hotspot, please ensure that you have your parent/guardian's consent and ensure that they and you have read and agree to these Terms and Conditions. If you intend to use someone else's credit or debit card for purchasing a Hotspot Voucher, you should enter their details when registering and they and you agree that they will be deemed to have consented to be bound to these Terms and Conditions and will be a party to these Terms and Conditions.
3. Information About Us
The Hotspot is operated by XC Trains Limited, a company registered in England and Wales under company number 04402048, whose registered office is at 1 Admiral Way, Doxford International Business Park, Sunderland, SR3 3XP, and whose VAT number is 618 557 907 ("CrossCountry").
4. The Hotspot Description
4.1. The Hotspot is a wireless data service using radio frequency to access the Internet. CrossCountry offers the Hotspot for activities such as the active use of e-mail, instant messaging and browsing the Internet. These services may require Users to have accounts with third party service providers. Some information and material (for example software) is supplied to CrossCountry by third parties and CrossCountry offers no guarantees or contractual promises in relation to that information or material. Please be aware that you cannot use the Hotspot for the following reasons (this list is non-exhaustive):
4.1.1. Watching catch up TV (e.g. BBC iPlayer, ITVPlayer etc)
4.1.2. Downloading very large files
4.1.3. File sharing (e.g. BitTorrent)
4.1.4. Video sharing sites (e.g. YouTube)
5. The Hotspot
5.1. Although CrossCountry will endeavor to provide a high standard of Wi-Fi service at all times, due to the nature of the services the User acknowledges:-
5.1.1. that it is technically impossible to provide the Hotspot entirely free of faults and that CrossCountry does not undertake to do so;
5.1.2. that faults may lead to temporary unavailability of the Hotspot; and
5.1.3. that the operation of the Hotspot may be adversely affected by conditions and performances outside CrossCountry's control, including transmission, telecommunications links between CrossCountry and Users, between different parts of CrossCountry, and between CrossCountry and other systems and networks.
6. Use of the Hotspot
6.1. If you hold a valid first class ticket for the train journey you are making you may access the Hotspot free of charge (on services which have wi-fi available) and there is no need to purchase a Hotspot Voucher. Access is gained either through the Hotspot portal directly or by obtaining a printed PIN code voucher from the Senior Conductor on board (for journeys on CrossCountry's 170 train type). You are permitted to access the Hotspot for an unlimited period of time during that train journey, although data restrictions may apply. Printed PIN code vouchers provide 2-hour access and on expiry an additional code can be obtained from a member of CrossCountry's staff (subject to availability).
6.2. If you hold a valid standard class ticket for the train journey you are making, you may purchase a Hotspot Voucher, subject to these Terms and Conditions. At present you can purchase a Hotspot Voucher directly through the Hotspot service pages, or via a printed Hotspot Voucher from CrossCountry's service-at-seat (subject to availability). The pre-sale website (available at the following web page: www.crosscountrytrainswifi.co.uk) allows you to pre-purchase a Hotspot Voucher for your journey at a reduced price in comparison to the equivalent tariff bought on board the train.
6.3. You may purchase a Hotspot Voucher for a specific period of time for use of the Hotspot by you. We offer one type of Hotspot Voucher - elapsed time (where the length of time of access is measured from when you first log-on to the Hotspot and will expire at the end of the allocated time regardless of whether you are browsing the Internet or not).
6.4. Once purchased, Hotspot Vouchers can be used on any service operated by CrossCountry. The Hotspot Vouchers are not train, journey or route specific (though can only be used on CrossCountry trains).
6.5. The User undertakes:-
6.5.1. not to use the Hotspot for any unlawful purpose;
6.5.2. that it shall not make any use of the Hotspot such that the whole or part of the Hotspot is interrupted, damaged, rendered less efficient, or the effectiveness or functionality of the Hotspot is in any way impaired;
6.5.3. not to use the Hotspot for the transmission or posting of any computer viruses or any material which is defamatory, offensive or of an obscene or menacing character or in such a way as to cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety;
6.5.4. not to use the Hotspot in a manner which constitutes a violation or infringement of the rights of any person, firm or company (including rights of copyright or confidentiality);
6.5.5. that it shall not use the Hotspot to transmit any material for the purposes of publicity, promotion and/or advertising without the prior written consent of CrossCountry unless such transmission has been specifically requested by another User of the Hotspot;
6.5.6. that in the event that it has any right, claim or action against any other User arising out of the use of the Hotspot then it shall pursue such right, claim or action independently of, and without recourse to, CrossCountry; and
6.5.7. that CrossCountry may block access to certain websites by you on the Hotspot, including for example certain high bandwidth websites, in order to share bandwidth more amongst its User group.
6.6. The User will indemnify and defend CrossCountry against all claims, liability, damages, costs and expenses, including legal fees, arising out of a breach of these Terms and Conditions or any use of the Hotspot by the User. The User acknowledges that CrossCountry has no control over the nature or content of information or programs transmitted or received by the User using the Hotspot and that CrossCountry does not examine in any way the use to which the User puts the Hotspot. The User agrees to fully indemnify CrossCountry against any claims or legal proceedings arising in connection with User's use of the Hotspot which are brought or threatened against CrossCountry by any other person.
6.7. Your right to use the Hotspot is personal to you and you agree not to register on behalf of any other person, firm or company or to allow any other such person to use your log-in details to use the Hotspot. You must keep your log-in details confidential and not share them with any other person.
7. Availability of the Hotspot
7.1. The Hotspot service is only available on selected train services provided by CrossCountry.
7.2. Please note that it is the User's responsibility to ensure that the train they intend to travel on has Hotspot services available on board.
8. Our Liability to You
8.1. You may have other rights granted to you by law which are not set out in these Terms and Conditions and these Terms and Conditions do not override those rights unless permitted by law.
8.2. For further information about your legal rights (including your consumer rights) we suggest that you contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau or Trading Standards office.
8.3. Please take care of your wireless device. CrossCountry accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to a User's wireless device.
8.4. The headings in this paragraph 8 below make clear which parts of this paragraph 8 apply to you, depending on the circumstances in which you are using the Hotspot.
The following terms apply to all Hotspot users (both personal and commercial users):
8.5. CrossCountry does not, and cannot, guarantee that the Hotspot website will be compatible with any or all hardware and software that you may use to try to connect to the internet via the Hotspot. CrossCountry does not, and cannot, guarantee that the Hotspot, or your use of it, will be available at all times or at any specific times or that it will be error-free. CrossCountry reserves the right to modify or suspend access to the Hotspot at any time (acting reasonably) where it is necessary to do so.
8.6. CrossCountry is, and remains, legally responsible to you at all times, regardless of any wording to the contrary in these Terms and Conditions, for any:
8.6.1. death or personal injury arising from CrossCountry's failure to take reasonable skill and care;
8.6.2. fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or
8.6.3. any matters which it would be illegal for CrossCountry to exclude or limit its liability to you.
8.7. If CrossCountry fails to comply with these Terms and Conditions, it is responsible for loss or damage you suffer that is a foreseeable result of its breach of the Terms and Conditions or CrossCountry's negligence, but CrossCountry is not responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable. Loss or damage is foreseeable if they were an obvious consequence of CrossCountry's breach or if they were contemplated by you and CrossCountry at the time you registered or logged in to use the Hotspot.
8.8. CrossCountry is not responsible to you for losses which you suffer due to any event beyond CrossCountry's reasonable control.
8.9. CrossCountry endeavours to provide a high standard of wi-fi service at all times, however, due to the nature of the service, faults and technical difficulties and/or loss of signal may lead to temporary unavailability of the Hotspot and the operation of the Hotspot may be adversely affected by conditions and performance outside CrossCountry's control including but not limited to transmission, communication links between CrossCountry and you and between the networks and services provided by CrossCountry's suppliers and the mobile Internet network provider.
8.10. The Internet and wi-fi connections to the Internet are not secure networks or a secure means of accessing the network. CrossCountry cannot guarantee the security or privacy of the Hotspot, the device you use to access the Hotspot or any information or communications to/from the Hotspot.
8.11. It is your responsibility to ensure that you protect your own data and/or software against viruses, hacking or other third party intrusions. CrossCountry is not responsible to you for losses which you suffer due to your failure to appropriately and adequately protect your device from contamination, hacking or third parties or from your failure to back-up the content of your device.
8.12. CrossCountry is not responsible for the content on the Internet including information contained in websites or any third party information provided through the Hotspot and will not be liable to you for any losses you suffer as a result of using third party websites.
The following terms of this paragraph 8 set out below only apply if you are using the Hotspot for business or commercial purposes and to the extent you use the Hotspot for business or commercial purposes:
8.13. The Hotspot is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis and CrossCountry makes no warranties or representations whether express or implied in relation to the Information, including implied warranties or conditions of completeness, accuracy, satisfactory quality or fitness for a particular purpose.
8.14. Except as set out above in this paragraph 8, CrossCountry is not liable to you in contract, tort, negligence, and statutory duty or otherwise for any indirect or consequential loss or damage whatsoever or for any direct or indirect losses arising from or in connection with the Hotspot or these Terms and Conditions in so far as they relate to:
8.14.1. loss of business, profits or revenue;
8.14.2. loss of or damage to goodwill;
8.14.3. loss of savings;
8.14.4. loss of use;
8.14.5. business interruption; or
8.14.6. loss or corruption of any data or information (save to the extent we are the data controller of such data and it is personal data (all as defined under current data protection legislation in England)).
9. Registration
9.1. In standard accommodation, purchasing a Hotspot Voucher and receiving an access code allows you to use the Hotspot for your personal use only and you agree not to register on behalf of any other person or entity. In purchasing a Hotspot Voucher we will ask you to supply personal details, and it is your responsibility to ensure they are correct. You are responsible for keeping your details confidential. You should not permit other people to use your personal details and access codes and you are responsible for preventing any unauthorised use. If you discover you have made a mistake with your personal details after you have submitted them to CrossCountry, please contact the WiFi service desk by emailing [email protected] or telephoning on 0330 088 1270 immediately so the mistake can be rectified as soon as possible (lines manned 05.00 to 02.00 each day, calls will be charged at local rate from a BT landline. Calls from other operators and mobiles may vary and may cost more).
9.2. You should contact CrossCountry as soon as possible if you believe that anyone has obtained your personal details and / or access codes without your permission or if you become aware of any other breach of security on the Hotspot.
10. Intellectual Property
The User acknowledges that all copyright, trade marks and all other intellectual property rights in the Hotspot shall remain vested in CrossCountry or its licensor.
11. Suspension and Termination
CrossCountry shall have the right to immediately terminate your use and access to the Hotspot and/or suspend your ability to use or access the Hotspot, if CrossCountry (acting reasonably) believes you have committed or are likely to commit a breach of these Terms and Conditions.
12. User Date
12.1. CrossCountry will deal with your personal data in compliance with the current data protection legislation in England and in accordance with CrossCountry Privacy Policy.
12.2. CrossCountry cannot guarantee the security or privacy of the Hotspot and any information or communication to or from the Hotspot by the User.
13. Hotspot Vouchers- How the Contract is formed between you and CrossCountry
13.1. CrossCountry's order process allows you to check and amend any errors before submitting your order to CrossCountry. Please take the time to read and check your order at each page of the order process.
13.2. After you place an order, you will receive an e-mail from CrossCountry acknowledging that CrossCountry have received and accepted your order ("Dispatch Confirmation"). The contract between you and CrossCountry will only be formed when CrossCountry send you the Dispatch Confirmation (the "Contract").
13.3. If we are unable to supply you with a Hotspot Voucher for any reason, CrossCountry will inform you of this by e-mail and CrossCountry will not process your order. If you have already paid for the Hotspot Voucher, CrossCountry will refund you the full amount as soon as possible.
14. Wifi Refunds Policy
14.1. We recognise that on occasions you may not be able to access the Hotspot as intended and on this basis we have in place a Refunds Policy, as set out in this paragraph 14, such policy is subject to any of your additional rights under paragraph 15 below.
14.2. If a User has purchased a Hotspot Voucher using any of CrossCountry's tariffs, through any of the available purchase channels, and the User does not get the service the User expected, the User may be entitled to claim a replacement pass for future use, or a full refund. A replacement Hotspot Voucher (or, where applicable, a full refund) will only be issued under the following conditions:
14.2.1. If a Hotspot Voucher is purchased in advance of travel through the pre-sale website (available at the following web page: www.crosscountrytrainswifi.co.uk), the User must have checked before travelling that the service they were travelling on is operated by CrossCountry;
14.2.2. User has not been able to access the Hotspot due to CrossCountry's fault (including cancellation of train service and subsequent use of substitute train service by another operator) and has contacted the CrossCountry WiFi service desk by telephone on 0330 088 1270 or by e-mail on [email protected] within the active period of the Hotspot Voucher purchased;
14.2.3. The request for a replacement Hotspot Voucher is made within seven (7) days of the purchase of the original Hotspot Voucher;
14.2.4. The User has contacted the CrossCountry WiFi service desk by telephone on 0330 088 1270 or by e-mail on [email protected] with details of: the type of Hotspot Voucher purchased; the date and time of purchase; the method of purchase; as much detail as possible of the train service on which the use of the Hotspot Voucher was attempted; the time at which you experienced the issue; and reasons for the claim.
14.3. Claims for a replacement Hotspot Voucher or refund will not be considered if one or more of the following conditions is evident:
14.3.1. the device on which the User attempted to access the Hotspot was not properly configured or faulty;
14.3.2. connection speed of Hotspot service is deemed insufficient by the User;
14.3.3. the User is deemed by CrossCountry not to have followed the Fair Usage Policy;
14.3.4. the User is known as a persistent claimant of replacement Hotspot Vouchers with no material evidence to support ongoing claims; and / or
14.3.5. the User does not make the journey for any reason other than as a result of CrossCountry's fault
14.4. Any claims will be verified according to CrossCountry's Hotspot usage records prior to the issue of any replacement Hotspot Voucher or refund. Should CrossCountry agree to a claim, CrossCountry reserves the right to decide whether a replacement Hotspot Voucher or refund is most appropriate and will be calculated on a pro-rata basis, on the type of problem, the length of time you were logged on and the amount paid for the Hotspot Voucher. Please be aware that inactivated Hotspot Vouchers bought through the pre-sale website (available at the following web page: www.crosscountrytrainswifi.co.uk) are valid for 1 year after purchase and are not train, journey or route specific. Refunds for Hotspot Vouchers paid for by credit or debit card via the aforementioned pre-sale website will be refunded electronically to the account used to purchase the Hotspot Voucher.
15. Your Consumer Right of Return and Refund
15.1. If you are a consumer, you have a legal right to cancel a Contract under the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000) during the period set out below in this paragraph 15. This means that during the relevant period if you change your mind or for any other reason you decide you do not want to keep the Hotspot Voucher, you can notify CrossCountry of your decision to cancel the Contract and receive a refund. Advice about your legal right to cancel the Contract under these regulations is available from your local Citizens' Advice Bureau or Trading Standards office.
15.2. However this cancellation right does not apply once you have redeemed (or otherwise used) the Hotspot Voucher.
15.3. You may cancel the Contract for up to seven (7) days from the date you receive the Dispatch Confirmation (which is when the Contract between you and CrossCountry is formed) provided that at that point in time, the Hotspot Voucher has not yet been used.
15.4. To cancel the Contract, please contact the CrossCountry WiFi service desk via telephone on 0330 088 1270 or by e-mail on [email protected]. You may wish to keep a copy of your cancellation notification for your own records. If you send CrossCountry your cancellation notice by e-mail or by post, then your cancellation is effective from the date you sent CrossCountry the e-mail or posted the letter to us. If you call CrossCountry to notify them of your cancellation, then your cancellation is effective from the date you telephone us.
15.5. You will receive a full refund of the price you paid for the Hotspot Voucher. We will process the refund due to you as soon as possible and, in any case, within thirty (30) calendar days of the day on which you gave CrossCountry notice of cancellation as described in paragraph 15.4. If you returned the Hotspot Voucher to CrossCountry because it was faulty or mis-described, please see paragraph 15.6.
15.6. If you have rejected the Hotspot Voucher under this paragraph 15 because it was faulty or mis-described, we will refund the price of a defective Hotspot Voucher in full.
15.7. We will refund you on the credit card or debit card used by you to pay.
15.8. Details of your legal right to cancel and an explanation of how to exercise it are provided in the Dispatch Confirmation.
15.9. As a consumer, you will always have legal rights in relation to a Hotspot Voucher that is faulty or not as described. These legal rights are not affected by the returns policy in this paragraph 15 or these Terms. Advice about your legal rights is available from your local Citizens' Advice Bureau or Trading Standards office.
16. Changes to the Terms & Conditions
CrossCountry reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions from time to time by placing a note of such change in this file. The User's continued use of the Hotspot following notice of such change shall be deemed to be the User's acceptance of any such change. It is the User's responsibility to check this file regularly to determine whether these Terms and Conditions have been changed. If the User does not agree to any change to these Terms and Conditions then the User must immediately stop using the Hotspot.
17. Severability
Each provision of these Terms and Conditions excluding or limiting liability shall be construed separately, applying and surviving even if for any reason one or other of those provisions is held inapplicable or unenforceable in any circumstances and shall remain in force notwithstanding the termination of these Terms and Conditions howsoever occasioned.
18. No Waiver
If CrossCountry fails to insist that you perform any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions, or if it does not enforce its rights against you, or if it delays in doing so, that will not mean that CrossCountry has waived its rights against you and will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If CrossCountry does waive a default by you, it will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that CrossCountry will automatically waive any later default by you.
19. Choice of Law
These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by English law and the parties hereby irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts. However, if you are a resident of Scotland, you may also bring proceedings in Scotland.
20. Other Information
20.1. These Terms and Conditions and all communications between CrossCountry and you will be conducted in the English language.
20.2. Any notices CrossCountry sends to you will be sent to the most recent e-mail address or postal address provided to CrossCountry by you.
20.3. CrossCountry will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of its obligations under these Terms and Conditions that is caused by an event outside its control.
20.4. An event outside CrossCountry's control means any act or event beyond CrossCountry's reasonable control, including without limitation strikes, lock-outs or other industrial action by third parties, civil commotion, riot, invasion, terrorist attack or threat of terrorist attack, war (whether declared or not) or threat or preparation for war, fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic or other natural disaster, or failure of public or private telecommunications networks.
20.5. CrossCountry may transfer its rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions, to another organisation, and CrossCountry will always notify you in writing if this happens, but this will not affect your rights or CrossCountry's obligations under these Terms and Conditions.
20.6. These Terms and Conditions are a contract between you and CrossCountry. Unless you are aged under 18 and are using the Hotspot with the consent of your parents/guardian, neither you nor CrossCountry intend that these Terms and Conditions will be enforceable by anyone except you and CrossCountry whether under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 or otherwise.
21. Contact Us
If you are not satisfied by the Hotspot service you receive, please contact the Wi-Fi support helpdesk by emailing [email protected] or telephoning on 0330 088 1270. Alternatively, you can contact CrossCountry's customer relations team by emailing [email protected] or telephoning 03447 369 123.
22. First Class is available on routes operated by our Voyager trains. Please use a journey planner to see services that offer First Class.
- Ten minute reservations are for use by customers who hold a valid rail ticket. A Ten minute reservation does not replace your travel ticket. You may only use Anytime and Off Peak tickets in conjunction with a Ten minute reservation. You may not use Advance purchase ticket types that specify the date and train on which you must travel.
- Ten minute reservations are offered subject to availability. No charge is made by CrossCountry for use of this service, but your mobile service provider may do so. Please check with them for details.
- Ten minute reservations are provided on a 'best endeavours' basis and offered in limited numbers on a first-come, first served basis on specified trains. Obtaining a Ten minute reservation does not guarantee that we will be able to provide you with a seat if we are prevented from doing so by service disruption or other operational reasons beyond our control.
- Catering services are not available on all trains or routes.
- Products are subject to change and alternatives may be supplied.
- Alcoholic beverages are sold and served to over-18's only.
- We can't guarantee we will be able to deliver products if you are not seated in your reserved seat. If you are not seated in your reserved seat you should make yourself known to the on board staff as soon as possible.
- Payment will be required at the point of delivery.
- We will endeavour to deliver in the preferred time slot but it's not guaranteed.
- You must bring your confirmation email with you as proof of your order.
- During times of service disruption we will endeavour to deliver your order but this cannot be guaranteed.
- The 10% discount is available for CrossCountry Advance tickets only which are exclusively for use on CrossCountry trains.
- The discount is not available against other train company tickets or other fare types.
- The CrossCountry Advance tickets will only be valid on the CrossCountry network - the tickets will not be accepted by other train operators.
- If part of your journey is with another operator then you must buy a valid ticket for that part of the route. For details of the CrossCountry network, please visit: www.crosscountrytrains.co.uk.
- CrossCountry Advance tickets are subject to availability.
- Bookings with more than one CrossCountry Advance ticket will generate a 10% discount per ticket.
- A verified TOTUM account must be used to be eligible for the discount.
- XC Trains Ltd do not take responsibility for loss of TOTUM cards and no discount will be available without a valid card regardless of circumstances.
- The National Conditions of Travel apply for travel on all CrossCountry trains.
- You must carry proof of TOTUM membership with you on your journey and present it to rail staff on request.
- CrossCountry reserve the right to withdraw this offer or amend these Terms and Conditions at any time without notice.
Customer Research Survey Prize Draw: Terms and Conditions
- First Class is available on routes operated by our Voyager trains. Please use a journey planner to see services that offer First Class.
The promoter of this prize draw is XC Trains Limited whose correspondence address is 5th Floor, Cannon House, 18 Priory Queensway, Birmingham B4 6BS (the “Promoter”).
The prize draw is open to all Great Britain residents in receipt of a “Customer Research Survey” email sent on behalf of the Promoter on or around 13/01/25 (the “E-mail”). Please note, the Email will only be sent to individuals whom have previously signed up to receive marketing correspondence from the Promoter.
The prize draw is not open to employees of the Promoter, their families, agents or any third party directly associated with administration of the prize draw.
Entrants under the age of 18 must obtain parental consent before entering the prize draw
The prize draw is free to enter, and no purchase is necessary however internet access is required.
To enter the prize draw you must fully complete the survey by following the link included in the E-mail and press submit to upload your completed survey. Entries are limited to one per person and surveys that have not been properly completed will not be entered into the prize draw.
The opening date for entries is 13/01/25. The closing date of the prize draw is 26/01/25. Entries received outside this time frame will not be valid.
The Promoter accepts no responsibility for entries not successfully completed due to a technical fault technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind
The Promoter will not accept prize draw entries that are completed by third parties or in bulk, have been altered, reconstructed, forged or tampered with, or are incomplete.
There will be one winner of this prize draw who will be chosen by random draw performed by a computer process on or around 31/01/25 (the “Draw Date”).
The winner will receive the prize of two First Class return rail tickets for travel on the Promoter’s rail network (further details are available at the following link: https://www.crosscountrytrains.co.uk/stations-destinations/route-map).
Dates and times for rail travel are subject to availability and when claiming their prize in accordance with condition 14, the winner must give the Promoter at least ten (10) working days notice prior to the intended date of travel. Outbound travel must be completed on or before 31/12/25 and all travel is subject to the National Rail Conditions of Travel.
Any costs incidental to the fulfilment of the prize (other than the delivery of such to the winner in accordance with these terms and conditions) are the responsibility of the winner and the winner will be responsible for ensuring that they and any person travelling with them are available to travel on their chosen dates.
Entrants will be notified if they have been selected as the winner by email (using the details provided on entry) within seven (7) days of the Draw Date. When notifying the winning entrant, the Promoter will issue a claim form which the winner must complete, specifying the intended dates of travel and return to the Promoter to claim their prize. It is the winner’s responsibility to ensure that they provide the correct details on the claim form.
If the winner does not respond to the Promoter to accept their prize within seven (7) days of being notified of their win by completing and returning the claim form, then the winner’s prize will be forfeited and the Promoter will be entitled to select another winner in accordance with the process set out above.
The prize will be sent to the winner via email within seven (7) days of the Promoter receiving the winner’s completed claim form.
The prize is non-exchangeable, non-transferable and no cash alternative is offered.
The Promoter reserves the right to substitute the prize with a prize of equal of greater value if circumstances beyond the Promoter’s control makes it necessary to do so.
The decision of the Promoter regarding any aspect of the prize draw is final and binding and no correspondence will be entered into about it.
Participants are deemed to have accepted and agreed to be bound by these terms and conditions upon entry. The Promoter reserves the right to refuse entry or refuse to award the prize to anyone in breach of these terms and conditions.
The Promoter reserves the right to hold void, suspend, cancel, or amend the prize draw where it becomes necessary to do so.
Insofar as is permitted by law, the Promoter, its agents or distributors will not in any circumstances be responsible or liable to compensate the winners or accept any liability for any loss, damage, personal injury or death occurring as a result of taking up the prize except where it is caused by the negligence of the Promoter, its agents or distributors or that of their employees. Your statutory rights are not affected.
The Promoter must either publish or make available information that indicates that a valid award took place. To comply with this obligation the Promoter will send the surname and county of any major prize winner and, if applicable copies of their winning entries, to anyone who writes to the address set out in condition 1 (enclosing a self-addressed envelope) within four weeks of the Draw Date stated in condition 10. If you object to any or all of your surname, county and winning entry being published or made available, please contact the Promoter at the address set out in condition 1. In such circumstances, the Promoter must still provide the information and winning entry to the Advertising Standards Authority on request.
Personal data provided by you in entering this prize draw will be processed by the Promoter for the purpose of administering this prize draw. Entry to this prize draw will be deemed as your consent to this processing. If you do not wish your personal data to be processed in this way, please do not enter this prize draw.
Personal data supplied during the course of this prize draw may be passed on to third party suppliers only insofar as required for fulfilment/delivery/arrangement of the prize. If you do not wish your personal data to be processed in this way, please do not enter this prize draw.
In addition to the processing of personal data set out at clauses 24 and 25 above, personal data supplied during the course of this prize draw will be processed as set on in the promoter's privacy policy (https://www.crosscountrytrains.co.uk/privacy-policy). Please also see condition 23 with regards to the announcement of winners. If you do not wish your personal data to be processed in this way, please do not enter this prize draw.
The prize draw shall be governed by English law, and the parties submit to the jurisdiction of the English courts.
- First Class is available on routes operated by our Voyager trains. Please use a journey planner to see services that offer First Class.
- The discount is not available against other train company tickets or other fare types.
- Discounts apply to both Adult and Child fares and are available on both standard and First Class Advance fares.
- CrossCountry Advance tickets are subject to availability.
- Please note that the discount code shown in your e-mail can only be used once for one transaction.
- The 10% discount can only be applied once. The discount will become void if you decide to change your Advance ticket.
- The booking made with the discount code can be for a maximum of 8 people travelling.
- All tickets purchased in the transaction must be going from and to the same outward and return destinations.
- The discount can only be applied to CrossCountry Advance tickets, the maximum number of tickets which can be purchased is 16 (eight x Advance tickets in the outward direction and eight x Advance tickets in the return direction).
- The date of travel must be the same for all outward journeys and the same for all return journeys.
- Bookings with more than one CrossCountry Advance ticket will generate a 10% discount per ticket.
- The discount code is only valid for bookings made within 30 days of receipt of your e-mail.
- Discount codes can only be issued once. CrossCountry will not take responsibility for any lost or deleted codes - replacements cannot be issued.
- The CrossCountry Advance tickets will only be valid on the CrossCountry network - the tickets will not be accepted by other train operators.
- If part of your journey is with another operator, then you must buy a ticket for that part of the route.
- The National Rail Conditions of Carriage apply for travel on all CrossCountry trains.
- CrossCountry reserves the right to withdraw this offer or amend these terms and conditions at any time without notice.
- The cash redemption value of this voucher is 0.001p. The 10% discount is available for CrossCountry Advance tickets only which are exclusively for use on CrossCountry trains.
- First Class is available on routes operated by our Voyager trains. Please use a journey planner to see services that offer First Class.
- The 20% discount is available for CrossCountry Advance tickets only which are exclusively for use on CrossCountry trains.
- The discount is not available against other train company tickets or other fare types.
Discounts apply to both Adult and Child fares and are available on both standard and First Class Advance fares. - CrossCountry Advance tickets are subject to availability.
- Please note that the PIN code shown in your e-mail can only be used once for one transaction.
- The 20% discount can only be applied once. The discount will become void if you decide to change your Advance ticket.
- The booking made with the pin code can be for a maximum of 9 people travelling.
- All tickets purchased in the transaction must be going from and to the same outward and return destinations.
- The discount can only be applied to CrossCountry Advance tickets, the maximum number of tickets which can be purchased is 18 (nine x Advance tickets in the outward direction and nine x Advance tickets in the return direction).
- The date of travel must be the same for all outward journeys and the same for all return journeys.
- Bookings with more than one CrossCountry Advance ticket will generate a 20% discount per ticket.
- The PIN code is only valid for bookings made within 30 days of receipt of your e-mail. PIN codes can only be issued once. CrossCountry will not take responsibility for any lost or deleted PIN codes - replacements cannot be issued.
- The CrossCountry Advance tickets will only be valid on the CrossCountry network - the tickets will not be accepted by other train operators. For details of the CrossCountry network, please see our route map.
- The 'CrossCountry & Connections' Advance tickets are not valid in conjunction with this promotion, even if the journey is made solely on CrossCountry trains.
- If part of your journey is with another operator, then you must buy a ticket for that part of the route.
- The National Rail Conditions of Travel apply for travel on all CrossCountry trains.
- CrossCountry reserves the right to withdraw this offer or amend these terms and conditions at any time without notice.
- The cash redemption value of this voucher is 0.001p.
Delay Repay Terms & Conditions
If your journey was delayed by 30 minutes or more, irrespective of the cause, you will be entitled to claim compensation under our Delay Repay scheme and in line with our Passenger Charter. You will receive compensation based on the following guidelines:
Delays of 30-59 minutes
50% of the cost of your single ticket or 50% of the cost of either portion of your return ticket.
Delays of 60-119 minutes
100% of the cost of your single ticket or 100% of the cost of either portion of your return ticket.
Delays of 120+ minutes
If either or both the outward or return legs of your journey are delayed by more than two hours and you have a return ticket, you will be entitled to receive up to 100% of the cost of the return ticket
How to Apply for Delay Repay
Please print and complete a Delay Repay form (PDF) or complete our online Delay Repay form. Please make your claim within 28 days of the date of the delay.
We do not normally accept claims for compensation if trains are delayed or cancelled and you were aware of the delay before you bought your ticket.
In the event that we introduce an emergency timetable, compensation will be based on the emergency timetable.
Season Ticket Delay Repay
In the case of Season tickets, Delay Repay compensation is calculated based on the proportional single ticket price paid for that journey. For example, the daily proportional cost of a seven day ticket is calculated based on an assumption that ten single journeys are made per working week (five return journeys).
The value of a single Season ticket journey is as follows:
- Annual Season ticket: 1/464 x total price
- Quarterly Season ticket: 1/130 x total price
- Monthly Season ticket: 1/40 x total price
- Weekly Season ticket: 1/10 x total price
Individual season ticket compensation calculations may differ, depending on the ticket validity.
Should a period of sustained poor performance be experienced, we will consider compensating Season ticket holders over and above the arrangements outlined. In doing so, we will consult Transport Focus, the independent national rail consumer watchdog.
Your Compensation Checklist
So that we can process your application and get your compensation back to you, please make sure that you let us have:
- Either the original ticket, or in the case of Season tickets a photocopy of the ticket and your photocard, your booking confirmation e-mail, or your unique journey number.
- Your name and the address for our reply.
- Information about your journey, including the date you travelled, where you were travelling from and to, and how long you were delayed.
We normally issue compensation using either Rail Travel Vouchers, PayPal, or BACS. Please confirm when you submit your claim how you wish your compensation to be paid.
In accordance with your legal rights as a consumer you may be eligible to a different level or method of compensation where CrossCountry is at fault and nothing set out above is intended to limit or exclude your legal rights in these circumstances. If you believe this applies to your journey, please contact our Customer Relations team
Many of the stations we serve have automatic ticket gates. These gates are supervised during their hours of operation. If you need to retain your ticket on completion of your journey, instead of using the gates please show your ticket to a member of staff.
Agreement between the customer and trainline
Our enquiry and booking service (the "Booking Service") is offered as a service to you, the customer, by us, Trainline.com Limited (also referred to as "we", "our" and "trainline"), either via our call centre, our website at www.buytickets.crosscountrytrains.co.uk or m.buytickets.crosscountrytrains.co.uk (the "Website"), via our mobile application (the "Mobile Application"), via any third party channels, or any version thereof.
Our Booking Service is operated by our service provider Trainline.com Limited (with company number 03846791). When processing booking transactions, Trainline.com Limited accepts the booking as the agent for XC’s and does not act for or on behalf of the customer. When you purchase a travel service or other travel-related purchase through our Booking Service Trainline.com Limited shall act as the merchant and take payment for the service or product.
Supply of train tickets
These Terms and Conditions (which incorporate our Privacy Policy and Usage Policy) set out the terms of our contract with you in relation to our supply of any ticket that you purchase using the Booking Service. If you do not agree with these terms, you must not use the Booking Service.
Your train journey
The train operating companies with whom you book tickets through this Booking Service are responsible to you in respect of the provision of the train journey you have booked. All bookings made through the Booking Service are subject to the National Rail Conditions of Travel (explained below) and any specific restrictions imposed by the relevant train operating companies which vary by ticket type.
trainline is therefore not responsible for any delays, cancellations, or other disruptions to train services and we do not set any of the terms and conditions, including eligibility for refunds, of the various ticket types.
Third party services
You can buy third party products and services, other than train tickets via the Booking Service. When you make such a booking via the Booking Service, and your preferred product or service is available, the contract for such third party services (for example, travel insurance or hotel bookings) will be between the relevant supplier and you. We are not a party to any such contractual relationship and you should read the terms and conditions applicable to such third party services carefully. Each third party product and service has its own price independent of any other products or services booked at the same time. We do not sell, organise, or arrange any packages.
trainline is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.co.uk and Local.Amazon.co.uk.
About Trainline
Trainline.com Limited is a company registered in England (with company registration number 3846791). Our registered office is at: 120 Holborn, London EC1N 2TD.
Trainline.com Limited is registered with VAT number 791 7261 06, however, train tickets are currently zero rated for VAT and so VAT receipts are not routinely offered.
All customer queries should be dealt with via our customer services department. You can contact our customer services department us by using the contact details supplied in the "help" link.
trainline is a trading name of Trainline.com Limited.
Use of the Booking Service
Our Booking Service offers an impartial service selling tickets available around Great Britain representing all train operating companies.
The Booking Service is designed to provide you with travel information, to assist you in determining the availability of travel-related goods and services and to make travel reservations or other travel-related purchases. You agree that you will only use the travel information facilities of this Booking Service to find out information for yourself or for another person who intends to use or make use of this Booking Service to purchase travel services.
You confirm that you are at least 16 years old to become a registered user and/or use the Booking Service, and if you are 16 or 17 years old, you confirm that you have obtained your parent or guardian's consent to become a registered user and/or use the Booking Service. You confirm that you have authority to use the payment method or billing account details you provide for the purpose of settling any payments due for any purchase made through the Booking Service, or that you owe to us. If you are 16 or 17 years old and using a credit card for the purpose of settling any payments due for any purchase made through the Booking Service, or that you owe to us, you confirm you have obtained appropriate consent from the credit cardholder prior to using the credit card. You also promise that all information supplied by you in using the Booking Service is accurate and that you will not make any speculative, false or fraudulent reservation. You further promise that you will only use the travel services reservations facilities of the Booking Service to make reservations or purchases for yourself or for another person on whose behalf you are legally entitled to act.
By default this Booking Service provides details of trains and fares which represent the fastest published journey times on the date and at the times selected. In some cases there may be cheaper fares available on other operators' routes or at off-peak times, in which case we provide a link to search for these. We quote prices for, and are able to sell the vast majority of point-to-point train tickets. We shall not be obliged to sell tickets to or reserve a seat for, a person or persons who we have reason to believe may be intending to use it, or the proposed method of payment, fraudulently.
You acknowledge that you will be financially responsible for any bookings which are made through the Booking Service using your account details and for all reasonable and foreseeable losses which we suffer as a result of your breach of these terms or your negligence when using the Booking Service (including where you deliberately or negligently let others use your account).
You agree to use the Website and Mobile Application only for lawful purposes, and in a way that does not infringe the rights of, restrict or inhibit anyone else's use of the Booking Service. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information, products or services obtained from this Website or Mobile Application.
If you register an account with us, your account is meant for your individual use only. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and account details, and are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your password or account (including where your account is used by another person), unless these activities arise due to our negligence or breach of these terms by us.
Where you are using our business account Booking Service, you confirm that you are doing so in the course of a business, trade, craft or profession only and are a corporate subscriber. Each organisation is responsible for the Administrator of its business account. Where a request is made for a change of Administrator by a member of an organisation, that organisation shall be fully responsible for such change request. Where an organisation has been referred to a business account by an individual, the organisation acknowledges and agrees that the individual may have been incentivised to make the referral.
We reserve the right to restrict or block access to the Booking Service. By proceeding with a purchase via the Booking Service, you represent that you are not currently subject to any economic, financial, territorial or sectoral sanctions, trade embargoes, individual asset freezes, or listed on any sanctions-related list of designated or blocked persons imposed, administered or enforced from time to time by the European Union and implemented by its Member States, the United Nations Security Council, Her Majesty's Treasury of the United Kingdom, the U.S. government, including those administered by the U.S. Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control, or any other relevant authorities with jurisdiction over you or trainline from time to time that would prohibit you from using the Booking Service. You further represent that you are not purchasing any tickets via the Booking Service on behalf of, or for the benefit of, any person or entity listed on any sanctions-related list of designated or blocked persons or any person resident in, or entity organised under the laws of, a country or territory that is the subject of comprehensive sanctions.
National Rail Conditions of Travel
The National Rail Conditions of Travel (as updated from time to time) sets out the minimum level of service you are entitled to expect in relation to your train journey. They also set out your rights and responsibilities in respect of any train journeys made on the UK railway network, including the liability of the train companies in respect of loss caused by the delay and/or cancellation of any train, by any missed connection or by the closure of the railway as well as in respect of loss or damage to, and delay in the delivery of luggage and its contents. View the National Rail Conditions of Travel. Where the rights set out in the National Rail Conditions of Travel are extended or restricted by the train operating companies with whom you may book tickets through this Booking Service, details of these extensions or restrictions will be provided to you with your journey summary prior to purchase.
The National Rail Conditions of Travel entitle Customers to the same levels of compensation or refund entitlements regardless of where they purchase their ticket.
Fees & Charges
There may be certain fees and charges payable on top of the ticket price in respect of purchases made via the Booking Service. If applicable, these will be identified during the booking process. Some of these fees are levied by the relevant train operating company which requires us to pass them on to you, the customer.
You will be responsible for all charges and taxes payable as a result of your use of this Booking Service, including any cost of accessing the Booking Service (for example, internet access charges or mobile data charges).
Issue of Tickets
Some tickets have limited availability. Although we check availability before quoting the fares, we cannot guarantee the availability of such tickets until you confirm the details of your journey immediately prior to payment. However, we do not charge your credit card until your order has been processed. We take all reasonable measures to ensure that the times and fares quoted on our Booking Service are correct. However, despite our efforts, we cannot guarantee that all of the information on our Booking Service (including times and fares) is correct, as our source data is provided from a third party rail information provider. Where we become aware of an error, we will take reasonable measures to rectify it. If you have purchased tickets which are subject to an error, we will refund these in full.
When we have confirmed your booking by email to your registered email address, we will fulfil your tickets to you using the fulfilment method you selected when you made your booking. While we endeavour to have tickets delivered in accordance with timescales supplied by our delivery agents, we cannot be responsible for any guaranteed delivery times.
Please check your tickets when you receive them. If you believe that the tickets we have sent you do not meet the information you provided at the time of booking through our Booking Service, please contact us. You must ensure that you are in possession of the tickets booked before you board the train. If you cannot produce a valid ticket for the class of accommodation and service that you are using, you will have to pay the appropriate fare on the train and a penalty fare may also be payable. We, the train operating company and the ticket inspector reserve the right to refuse to accept your ticket to the extent that it is unsatisfactorily displayed or to the extent that we or they have reason to suspect that a fraudulent use of booking confirmation, transfer to a different person, or other abuse or reproductions, copies or counterfeits of any ticket are in circulation.
When London International CIV tickets (for use in connection with a Continental or Eurostar ticket) ("CIV tickets") are purchased, they must be accompanied by a valid international travel ticket which must be presented for inspection on the domestic journey along with the CIV ticket. We will not be responsible for any extra costs charged to you by the train operating company where you are unable to provide evidence of a valid international travel ticket accompanied by the CIV ticket when requested by the train operating company staff.
Getting Your Tickets
We offer a range of methods to get your tickets. The particular options offered for your booking may differ depending on various factors, including ticket type, train operator, method of purchase and whether or not there is sufficient time to reliably post your tickets.
Normal post: We will dispatch tickets by normal post to the address you specify during the delivery process. You should ensure that the address provided is correct.
Next day delivery: We will dispatch tickets by Royal Mail Special Delivery to the address you specify during the delivery process. You should ensure that the address provided is correct. You will need to sign for the tickets upon delivery. Please note that due to Royal Mail restrictions it may take longer to deliver to remote locations. Please click here for more information on Royal Mail delivery times to remote locations.
International post: We will dispatch tickets by International Signed For (TM) post to the address you specify during the delivery process. You should ensure that the address provided is correct. You will need to sign for the tickets upon delivery.
Collecting tickets at the station: For many bookings we allow you to collect tickets from a range of stations. You must allow sufficient time to collect your tickets before boarding the train. You must have your ticket collection reference, and (unless stated otherwise) the credit/debit card used to make the purchase as identification. You should note any special collection instructions given during the booking process, for example the station opening hours.
If you are unable to collect your tickets (for example due to the ticket machine(s) being out of service) then you should contact the station staff for further assistance. If there are no staff at the station, you should board your booked train, and make yourself known to the on-train staff at the earliest possible opportunity.
Print Your Own (PYO): For some bookings we allow you to print your own ticket ("PYO").
You must ensure that you print the PYO ticket clearly on A4 paper before you travel and carry the PYO ticket with you when you travel. PYO tickets that have not been printed are not valid for travel. PYO tickets presented on the screen of your device are not valid for travel.
PYO tickets denote passenger names and passengers must carry one of the following types of ID (matching the name printed on the tickets) when travelling in order to be valid:
- Credit or Debit card
- National Railcard
- Passport
- Driving Licence
PYO Tickets are non-transferable and you must ensure that no one else is able to obtain and/or print a copy of your ticket.
Some train operating companies apply additional restrictions to the use of PYO tickets - you must note any additional restrictions notified during the booking process.
Mobile tickets: For some bookings we allow you to travel with paperless tickets ("Mobile tickets") delivered to the Mobile Application installed on a mobile phone, tablet or similar device ("Mobile Device"). Mobile tickets are not available on all Mobile Device operating systems.
When booking such tickets via the Website or call centre, you must check that your Mobile Device is compatible with our tickets by following the instructions provided before purchase and that you have an up to date version of the Mobile Application.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you carry your Mobile Device on the relevant journey and that your Mobile Device is charged, functional, displaying the correct date and time and that you are able to display the ticket on your Mobile Device for inspection and scanning when you travel. Mobile tickets must be activated from within the Mobile Application before boarding the train in order to validate the Mobile ticket. The Mobile Device must be capable of running the Mobile Application and clearly presenting the Mobile ticket in a legible manner.
Due to the wide variety of Mobile Devices and networks we are unable to offer technical support or assistance. You may incur data usage charges from your mobile network provider for downloading a ticket. You should check with your network provider as to what charges may apply.
If tickets have been booked for more than one passenger, all passengers should travel together.
The ticket must be stored on your Mobile Device until the date and time of travel and such safekeeping shall be your responsibility. Mobile Tickets are non-transferable.
By purchasing an Mobile Ticket, you agree to cooperate with the train inspector and let him/her clearly view and scan the ticket on your Mobile Device and you acknowledge that you may be requested to hand over your Mobile Device voluntarily for inspection and scanning. If you do not produce your ticket or hand over your Mobile Device upon request by the train inspector, the train inspector shall be entitled to consider that you are travelling without a ticket.
Some train operating companies apply additional restrictions to the use of Mobile Tickets - you must note any additional restrictions notified during the booking process.
etickets: For some bookings we will allow you to use an eticket. Where you select an eticket we will email you your tickets and you will have the option to use the eticket in one or more of the following ways:
- Open the PDF attachment and show the ticket on your Mobile Device. If you are using this option then you must ensure that your Mobile Device can receive email and display a PDF attachment prior to purchase. It is your responsibility to ensure that you carry your Mobile Device on the relevant journey and that your Mobile Device is charged, functional and that you are able to display the ticket on your Mobile Device for inspection when you travel. You may incur data usage charges from your mobile network provider for downloading a ticket. You should check with your network provider as to what charges may apply. The ticket must be stored on your Mobile Device until the date and time of travel and such safekeeping shall be your responsibility. You agree to cooperate with the train inspector and let him/her clearly view and scan the ticket on your Mobile Device and you acknowledge that you may be requested to hand over your Mobile Device voluntarily for inspection and scanning. If you do not produce your ticket or hand over your Mobile Device upon request by the train inspector, the train inspector shall be entitled to consider that you are travelling without a ticket.
- Print the eticket. If you are using this option then the terms relating to PYO tickets set out above will apply to your use of the eticket, save that ID is not required for etickets.
- Download the eticket on the Mobile Application. If you are using this option then the terms relating to Mobile tickets set out above will apply to your use of the eticket.
- Download the eticket into your Apple Wallet if you're using an Apple Wallet enabled Apple device, and show the ticket on your Apple Wallet enabled Apple device. To do this is simple: whilst you are on your Apple Wallet enabled Apple device you must access and open the email that we send you with your tickets, and click on the live link to Apple Wallet. If you are using this option the terms relating to the first type of eticket listed above ('Open the PDF attachment and show the ticket on your Mobile Device') will apply, except that there is no need to present a PDF ticket for inspection if you have downloaded the eticket into your Apple Wallet; instead you should display the ticket using Apple Wallet.
You must ensure that you present your eticket for inspection and scanning in one of the ways described above.
An eticket can only be used by one customer for one valid journey. It is a criminal offence to amend and/or reproduce an eticket for fraudulent use. Where more than one customer presents the same eticket for travel, both may be deemed invalid for travel. You shall have full liability for any fraudulent use of your eticket. Trainline shall have no liability for any fraudulent use of etickets.
Your privacy is important to us. This Privacy Policy sets out the procedures Trainline.com Limited has in place in relation to the collection, use and disclosure of information you may provide or we may collect via the Booking Service.
Your Consent
By using this Booking Service, you agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy and whenever you submit information via the Booking Service, or otherwise use the Booking Service, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of that information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
Active Collection of Information
Some parts of the Booking Service require you to actively submit information in order for you to benefit from specific features, or make ticket bookings. Some of this information may be personal (namely, information that can identify you, such as your name, address or phone number). We only collect such information when you choose to supply it to us. You confirm that you will only enter information about yourself and that such information is true.
Passive Collection of Information
We may collect and process anonymous information about your use of the Booking Service, such as some of the pages you visit and some of the searches you perform. Such information is used by us to help us improve the contents of the site and to compile, for internal market research purposes, aggregate statistics about individuals using it. This kind of anonymous information can be obtained by our use of "cookies" as well as other means. Please see our "Cookies" section below for more information on our use of cookies.
We may also share anonymous information about your use of the Booking Service with third parties for analytical purposes.
Our Booking Service uses cookies. A "cookie" is a small piece of information that is stored within your browser and allows us to identify that requests to our Booking Service originate from your computer, and sometimes provide additional information such as your recent searches on our Booking Service. If you would like to find out more general information about cookies: what they are for, and how to manage them, then you might want to read Googles explanation in their visit www.allaboutcookies.org.
We use the following cookies on our Booking Service:
Systems cookies: These cookies are created each time you visit our Booking Service and are automatically deleted when you leave our Booking Service and close your web browser. They ensure that the Booking Service works correctly. They also make sure that we remember the fact you are logged in once you log in, and remember the selections that you make as you use the Booking Service. The Booking Service will not work properly without these cookies.
Identification cookies: These cookies help us remember who you are when you come back and visit our Booking Service and allow you to access your favourite journeys before you log in. These cookies are retained for up to two years after you visit our Booking Service.
Web analytics cookies/Marketing effectiveness cookies: These cookies allow us to understand general customer behaviour on our Booking Service; such as which bits of our Booking Service customer’s use, where they exit the Booking Service and, if anything goes wrong, where it happens; helping us to make our Booking Service better. We also track how customers found our Booking Service, for example which search engine was used or which online adverts were clicked on before visiting our Booking Service, helping us understand our marketing effectiveness. Data is anonymised and aggregated so we can monitor trends and count visitors rather than tracking individual customers. They have no impact on what you see on the Booking Service and do not store or track any of your personal data.
These cookies are an important part of providing you with an effective service. By using our Booking Service you consent to us creating and retrieving these cookies. By using our Booking Service you agree that you are aware of and understand that these cookies are used on our Booking Service and the purposes for which they are used.
Additionally, CrossCountry Trains, may use cookies on our Booking Service in accordance with their privacy policy linked to at the top of this page.
Most web browsers allow you to configure your browser settings to refuse all or some cookies. How you do this will depend on the web browser you use. However, if you use your browser setting to block all or some cookies it will result in our Booking Service not operating correctly.
Use of Information Collected
Your personal information submitted to us is used for operational purposes, for example, producing tickets, processing payments or confirming orders, alerting you about your booked journeys, constantly improving and adding to the tools and features that we provide to you on our Website and Mobile Application, and to personalise your shopping experience by using your purchases and browsing activity to make recommendations to you about products and services that we think may be of interest to you.
We and/or our authorised third parties (including the Rail Delivery Group ("RDG")) may also use your personal information: (a) for internal market research and analysis purposes; and (b) to carry out survey related activities with you.
If you contact us we may be able to see information about your recent activity on our Website - such as your recent searches, recent error messages shown and/or your recent purchases. This enables us to provide you with an efficient service, and reduce the need for you to repeat information to us that you have already input into the Website.
You may be able to use our Booking Service without logging in or registering as a new user. Where you are not a registered user of our Booking Service and you use our Booking Service without registering as a new user and/or you are a visitor to our Website, your data will be used in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
Sharing of Information
We may share your personal information with third parties (including third parties outside of the EU) for the purpose of (a) processing a booking reservation, hotel or travel insurance product or otherwise in relation to fulfilling a booking you have made via the Booking Service; (b) for marketing services (where you have consented to receive such marketing services); (c) for processing payment (including fraud screening); (d) advertising, including targeted advertising, of our products and services on other sites; and (e) for undertaking any other permitted use of your personal information on our behalf. These service providers will only have access to the personal information needed to perform the relevant service and may not use your personal information for any other purpose. They will also be required to use your personal information strictly in accordance with data protection laws, including maintaining adequate security measures to protect such personal information.
Visa and Mastercard transactions are processed by Trainline.com Limited, 120 Holborn, London, EC1N 2TD. Company number: 03846791.
We may also share your personal information (a) with your employer or your employer's travel agency if you are purchasing your ticket as a result of your employer's corporate travel services agreement with us or your employer's travel agency arrangement with us (as applicable) (in such circumstances your employer or your employer’s travel agency shall be a data controller in respect of your personal information); (b) with any person who takes over our business to use your personal information on the same basis as we do; (c) with the train operator or any other service provider who provides you with any part of the services booked (Please check the privacy policy of the train operating company you travel with for further details as to how they use your personal information); and (d) with legal or regulatory authorities (including the Department for Transport) where we are lawfully requested or required to do so, or voluntarily to the Police and similar law enforcement agencies (including, but not limited to, fraud prevention and detection), other government agencies or third parties. Season ticket holders may be contacted for survey and research purposes about the journeys you make with your season ticket.
We may transfer and/or share your personal information with Cross Country Trains Ltd and its third party service providers. Cross Country Trains Ltd and its third party service providers may further use your personal information (a) for analysis and market research related services; (b) to carry out survey related activities with you; and (c) for the purpose of alerting you about your booked journeys; and (d) to contact you about new features, services, products and special offers ("Marketing Information") in line with any consent that you have provided. If you do not wish to receive Marketing Information, you may choose not to do so by clicking where indicated on the registration page. If you initially wish to receive such material but you change your mind later, you may tell us by using the "update your personal details" page or sending us an email to [email protected].
For some services (where you are already a loyalty scheme participant) you may be able to earn loyalty points by providing your loyalty scheme registered email address or membership number. Where you provide us with your loyalty scheme registered email address or membership number then you authorise us to provide the loyalty scheme operator and/or the loyalty scheme operator's third party service providers with this information as well as details regarding your transaction(s). The loyalty scheme operator's terms relating to the loyalty scheme will apply, however, there may be certain restrictions on the tickets and routes that are eligible for loyalty points. The loyalty scheme operator's terms, conditions and privacy policy will apply to their use of that data.
Use of Location Data
Information about your location or approximate location may be used by our Booking Service. We obtain and use this information in two main ways:
Internet traffic information, such as your IP address: This information is provided automatically as you use our Booking Service and can allow us to infer your approximate location - for example your city or county, and country. We use this information:
for analysis purposes to understand the distribution of our customers;
to tailor messages or advertisements shown on our website - for example if we identify that you are likely to be located in Manchester, we may show you promotions relating to journeys starting in Manchester.
Location information provided by your browser or device: Many web browsers, particularly on mobile phones and tablet devices, are able to accurate report your location, for example using GPS technology. The same is true for apps on mobile phones and tablets. These browsers and devices normally ask your permission before sharing your location with a website or app, and you can usually disable the feature altogether in the device settings. We use this information for features that need to know your location - for example if you select "nearest station" or "next train home" and for other search functionality features.
We take the security of your data very seriously. We employ physical, electronic and administrative security measures to protect the information that we collect about you from access by unauthorised persons and against unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction and damage. You acknowledge and agree that we shall not be responsible for any unauthorised use, distribution, damage or destruction of personal data, except to the extent we are required to accept such responsibility by the data protection laws.
Links to third party Internet sites
The Website and Mobile Application may contain links to other sites and sources of information. By clicking on these, you will leave the Website or Mobile Application (as appropriate) and this Privacy Policy will not apply to your use of any other sites.
Changes to this Privacy Policy
There may be changes in how we use your data. All such changes will be notified to you by updating this Privacy Policy.
Access to Personal Information
You are entitled to see the personal information we hold about you and may obtain these details by writing to us at: CrossCountry Trains, c/o Trainline.com Limited, PO Box 23972, Edinburgh, EH3 5DA. We are entitled by law to charge an administrative fee to meet our costs in providing you with such details and we may require proof of your identity before we supply the information to you.
Deactivating your Account
Upon request from you (by writing to us at: CrossCountry Trains, c/o Trainline.com Limited, PO Box 23972, Edinburgh, EH3 5DA) we will deactivate your account and render your personal information unusable as soon as reasonably possible, in accordance with applicable law. We do retain personal information from closed accounts to comply with law, prevent fraud, collect any fees owed, resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, assist with any investigations, enforce our terms and conditions, and take other actions otherwise permitted by law.
Contacting Us
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy and would like contact us, please refer to the Contact Us page of our Website.
The Website and Mobile Application are provided by Trainline.com Limited on the terms set out in this Usage Policy. By using the Website or Mobile Application you agree to the terms and conditions set out below (the "terms"). If you do not agree with these terms, you must not use the Website or Mobile Application. This Usage Policy supplements our Terms and Conditions.
Your Use
If you do not comply, or if we reasonably suspect that you are not complying, with these terms, we may block your access (either temporarily or permanently) to the Website or Mobile Application.
Registered Users
If you register your details with us using our Website registration process, we will send you your registered account details (including your password) on completion of the registration process.
Intellectual Property
"thetrainline.com" and "the trainline.com" logos and "thetrainline", "the trainline", "trainline", "Qjump" and "Q Jump" word marks are some of the registered trademarks owned by us. Other product and company names featuring in the Website and Mobile Application may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
All contents of the Website and Mobile Application, including any software, are protected by copyright, database right and other intellectual property rights. Nothing contained in these terms shall be construed as conferring any licence or right to use any trade mark, design right or copyright of ours or of any other third party.
You may not reproduce any part of the Website or Mobile Application in any form unless we agree in writing in advance, except as necessary to use the Booking Service in accordance with these terms or to keep a record of a transaction between you and us. You may not create a hypertext link to the Website or Mobile Application or "frame" the Website or Mobile Application unless we agree in writing in advance. Use of any automated system or software to extract data from the Website or Mobile Application (including screen scraping or account aggregation) is prohibited.
Liability Disclaimer
While we try to ensure that all content provided by us is correct at the time of publication, certain information is compiled and provided by third parties, and no responsibility is accepted by us or on our behalf for any errors, omissions or inaccurate content on the Website or Mobile Application. If you believe that you have noticed an error, please write to us to let us know.
We take measures to keep the Website and Mobile Application free from computer viruses and other malicious programs. However, we cannot accept responsibility for any computer viruses or other malicious programs which are transmitted to your computer as a result of your use of this Website or a third party website, or which are transmitted to your mobile handset as a result of your use of the Mobile Application, unless this was due to our negligence or a breach of these terms by us. You acknowledge that it is your responsibility to implement sufficient procedures and virus checks (including anti-virus and other security checks) to satisfy your particular requirements for the accuracy of data input and output.
We cannot guarantee the availability of the Website or Mobile Application. As with any service over the Internet or mobile network there are factors over which we have no control, for which we cannot accept liability. You agree that we may take the Booking Service offline where we consider that this is necessary for routine or emergency maintenance without liability to you.
To the extent permitted by law, we exclude all representations and warranties (whether express or implied by law), including the implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security and accuracy. We do not guarantee the timeliness, completeness or performance of the Website, Mobile Application or Booking Service or any of the content.
Nothing in these terms limits our liability for death or personal injury directly caused by us.
All third party suppliers of products, services or content which we link to from the Website or Mobile Application, or within the Booking Service, (which may include our selected partners such as providers of hotels, travel insurance companies and car hire companies) are independent entities and we are not responsible or liable for any wrongful act or omission on their part or for any of the content of their websites, including but not limited to any product liability claims. You should read the terms and conditions of any third party suppliers carefully.
Functionality may differ between the different Booking Service channels and may also differ depending upon the device or customer using our Booking Service channels.
Our Mobile Application
Your use of the Mobile Application
We allow you the right to download, install and use the Mobile Application on your mobile handset to access the Booking Service in accordance with these terms and conditions.
You may not use the Mobile Application for any purpose other than to access the Booking Service. You do not and will not own the Mobile Application or any information that is provided to you through it or the Booking Service, but you may use these things in accordance with these terms and conditions.
The Mobile Application is provided to you free of charge and on an ‘as is' basis. We have tried to make sure that it will work on each compatible Mobile Device, however, we do not promise that the Mobile Application will be suitable for your needs, or that it will work accurately or in a particular way. All implied promises or warranties related to the mobile application, and access to the booking service through it, are excluded.
Data charges and access
The Mobile Application requires a correctly configured and functional internet data connection, both for the initial installation, and for use.
Data charges may be charged to you by your network provider depending on your individual tariff. You are responsible for any such costs. Note that if you are using the Mobile Application on an overseas network, the cost of data usage may be considerably higher than when at home.
We are unable to provide any warranties as to the levels of connectivity you will receive via your Mobile Device. This may depend upon your tariff, your network provider or your corporate policy if you have a work-issued handset. We will not accept any responsibility for any connectivity issues you may experience.
Please contact your network provider or visit their website if you require assistance configuring a data connection for your Mobile Device.
Support & Communications
While we have tried to get a broad coverage of Mobile Devices, our Mobile Application will not work on all Mobile Devices. Please refer to our Website for details of the Mobile Devices which are able to download our Mobile Application. Download and operation success may depend on Mobile Device settings.
If you have any queries or problems with the Mobile Application, please look at our FAQs for answers to the most common questions we receive from users. If the FAQs do not assist, please contact us at: [email protected] or 0371 244 2389. (Please do not contact any distributor of the Mobile Application with a support request as they will not be able to assist you.)
We may send communications to you through the Mobile Application. These communications may include marketing material, technical and support information, and information on updates or changes. By using the Mobile Application, you agree to us providing you with such communications.
Please note that we may cease to operate and support the Mobile Application, or a particular version of it, at any time. If this happens, you will be unable to access the Booking Services through the Mobile Application (or the relevant version of it) and you may be unable to download or install fresh copies of the Mobile Application. Where we think that it is reasonable to do so, we also reserve the right to either require you to delete the Mobile Application, or to remotely deactivate the Mobile Application from your Mobile Device.
Updates & Availability
From time to time, we may issue updates to the Mobile Application, in which case you may not be able to continue use of the version of the Mobile Application installed on your Mobile Device without downloading the relevant update. If we issue an update of the Mobile Application without disabling our earlier version installed on your Mobile Device, we nonetheless recommend that you download and install all updates issued. We cannot accept any liability for errors which become apparent in old versions of the Mobile Application.
We are able to suspend access to the Booking Service through the Mobile Application. We can do this for any reason, but will usually only do so when carrying out maintenance on the Mobile Application or the systems supporting it.
You can use your Mobile Application to store details of your bookings, favourite journeys and payment card details. You should ensure that your Mobile Device is protected by a suitable PIN number or password so that if lost/stolen your stored details cannot be used or accessed.
Your mobile telephone supplier and manufacturer, airtime service providers (which for clarity includes telecommunications carriers) and any other retailer acting through an online store portal through which the Mobile Application is distributed, shall not be liable to you in any manner whatsoever in relation to Mobile Applications made available through their channel partners and associated service providers, including (without limitation) in relation to the sale, distribution or use thereof, or the performance or non-performance of the Mobile Application. Your mobile telephone manufacturer, airtime service providers and any such retailer shall be third party beneficiaries of these terms and conditions with you for the purposes of this provision.
Version May 2015-a
More rail information available from https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/tickets-railcards-and-offers/ticket-types/.
Social Media prize draw terms & conditions
By entering this prize draw (the “Promotion”) you (the “participant”) agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
The Promoter of this Promotion is CrossCountry Trains (XC Trains Limited) whose correspondence address is 5th Floor, Cannon House, 18 The Priory Queensway, Birmingham, B4 6BS, and the Promoter shall not be liable for any interruption to this Promotion whether due to force majeure or other factors beyond the Promoter’s control. This promotion is not associated with any other company.
1. The Promotion is open to residents of the United Kingdom. Any participants must be aged 18 or over.
2. Employees or agents of the Promoter or any of their group companies, or their families or households, or anyone professionally connected to this Promotion are not eligible to enter.
3. This Promotion is free to enter, and no purchase is necessary however internet access and your own genuine personal Facebook or Instagram account is required.
4. Entries will be accepted from [09/09/24] at [9am].
5. The closing date for entries is [23/09/24] at [12pm]. Entries received outside of this timeframe will not be eligible for entry.
6. To enter into the prize draw, participants must:
a) be following the CrossCountry Instagram page (@crosscountrytrains) or Facebook page (@CrossCountry trains); and
b) take a photo of their dog and upload this to the CrossCountry Facebook or Instagram page. To enter using Facebook, photos must be uploaded to the CrossCountry Facebook page by replying to or commenting on the Promoter’s Facebook post advertising this prize draw. To enter using Instagram, photos must be uploaded via Instagram story and tagging @crosscountrytrains.
7. Entries must not include or in any way contain:
a) any image of any individual (including but not limited to the participant)
b) obscene or indecent material, including but not limited to nudity, pornography or profanity;
c) defamatory content, including but not limited to words or symbols that are widely considered offensive to individuals of a certain race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or socioeconomic group; and/or
d) threats to any person, place, business, group or world peace.
8. Entries must not invade privacy or other rights of any person, firm or entity, and must not in any other way violate applicable laws and regulations or network standards.
9. Participants may only enter the Promotion once. Duplicate entries will be removed from the Promotion.
10. This Promotion is only available to consumers (e.g. not to any business or reseller). Bulk entries made from trade, consumer groups or third parties will not be accepted. If it becomes apparent that a participant is using a computer(s) to circumvent this condition by, for example, the use of ‘script’, ‘brute force’ or any other automated means, that person’s entries will be disqualified and any prize award will be void.
11. Participants must not use any artificial intelligence app, website or platform to create or enhance any entry. Any participant found to be using artificial intelligence in their entry will be disqualified and any prize award will be void.
12. No responsibility is accepted by the Promoter for lost, delayed or damaged data which occurs during any communication or transmission of entries.
13. By submitting a photo to enter this prize draw, participants confirm that:
a.) the photo is their original work;
b) they are the sole owner of owner of all copyright in the photo and that no other person has any other interest or rights in the photo;
c) there are no conflicting agreements in place that restrict usage of the photo.
d) they agree that the Promoter may, but is not required to, make the photo available on its website and any other media, whether now known or invented in the future; and
e) they agree to grant the Promoter a non-exclusive, worldwide, irrevocable licence, for the full period of any intellectual property rights in the photo to use, display, publish, transmit, copy, edit, alter, store, re-format and sub-licence the photo.
14. One winner of this Promotion will be chosen by random draw performed by a computer process on [24/09/24] (the “Draw Date”).
15. The prize for the winner will be 1 x CrossCountry branded dog bowl.
16. Any costs incidental to the fulfilment of the prize (other than the delivery of such by post in accordance with these terms and conditions) shall be the responsibility of the winner.
17. The winner will be contacted by the Promoter within 10 days of the Draw Date by Facebook or Instagram message to the relevant Facebook or Instagram account used to enter this Promotion and will be asked to provide a postal address for delivery of the prize. The winner will have 14 days from the date the notification was sent to claim their prize.
18. When contacting the winner pursuant to condition 17, the Promoter will request the winner’s consent to share their name, entry photo of their dog and social media handle on Instagram and Facebook for the purposes of publicising the winner. The winner has the right to withhold their consent.
19. In the event that the winner is unreachable, disqualified, ineligible, or fails to claim the prize in the time required the winner shall forfeit their prize and the Promoter reserves the right to offer the prize to any other participant of the Promotion selected in accordance with the process set out at condition 14.
20. The prize is not transferable, non-exchangeable, non-negotiable and no cash alternative is offered.
21. The Promoter reserves the right to offer an alternative prize of equal or greater value if circumstances beyond the Promoter’s control makes it necessary to do so.
22. When contacting the winner in accordance with condition 17, the Promoter will request the winner’s postal address for fulfilment of the prize. It is the winner’s responsibility to ensure that they provide the correct postal address and the Promoter will not provide a replacement prize if the postal address provided by the winner is incorrect and the Promoter accepts no responsibility for lost prizes.
23. The prize will be delivered to the postal address provided by the winner within 30 days of providing their postal address.
24. The Promoter reserves the right, at its absolute discretion, to disqualify participants who it considers to have not complied with any of these terms and conditions; or any participant who it reasonably believes has interfered with the fair running of this Promotion.
25. The Promoter shall have the right, where necessary, to undertake all such action as is reasonable to protect itself against fraudulent or invalid claims and entries.
26. The Promoter will use any personal data submitted by the participant solely for the purpose of operating this Promotion and for no other purpose unless the winner consents otherwise (see condition 18) . Personal data supplied during the course of this Promotion will be passed on to third party suppliers only insofar as required for fulfilment/delivery/arrangement of the prize.
27. The Promoter must ensure that a valid award has taken place in relation to this Promotion. To comply with this obligation the Promoter will send the surname and county of major prize winners and, if applicable, copies of their winning entries to the Advertising Standards Authority on the request of the Advertising Standards Authority.
28. If you would like to know how the Promoter uses your information please view the Promoter’s privacy policy https://www.crosscountrytrains.co.uk/privacy-policy
29. All the Promoter’s decisions relating to this Promotion are final and binding. No correspondence about the Promotion will be entered into.
30. Insofar as is permitted by law, the Promoter, its agents or distributors will not in any circumstances be responsible or liable to compensate any winner or accept any liability for any loss, damage, personal injury or death occurring as a result of taking up their prize except where it is caused by the negligence of the Promoter, its agents or distributors or that of their employees. Your statutory rights are not affected.
31. The Promoter reserves the rights to vary these terms and conditions or cancel the Promotion at any stage in the event of circumstances arising beyond its control.
32. Promoter acknowledges that this Promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook or Instagram and releases Facebook and Instagram of any and all liability in relation to this Promotion.
33. This Promotion will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. By participating the participants agree that any and all disputes regarding this Promotion will be subject to the jurisdiction of the English courts.
The XChange Views Customer Panel (the “Panel”) is operated by XC Trains Limited (“XC”, "we", "us" and “our”) a company registered in England and Wales (company number 04402048) with its registered office at 1 Admiral Way, Doxford International Business Park, Sunderland, SR3 3XP. By registering to become a member of the Panel (a “Member”) you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. For the purpose of these terms and conditions “Panel Activity/Activities” means any market research activity in relation to the Panel and “Membership Account” means an account opened by a Member to take part in the Panel Activities.
1. Acknowledgement and acceptance
By registering as a Member, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with, or do not want to accept these terms and conditions, you must exit any web pages associated with the Panel (“Panel Web Pages”) immediately, stop taking part in any Panel Activities and unsubscribe from your Membership Account. We may make changes to these terms and conditions from time to time. Where we make changes to these terms and conditions, we will email you a link to the updated terms and conditions, and if you continue to retain your Membership Account, use any of the Panel Web Pages and/or take part in the Panel Activities, this will constitute your acceptance of these changes. Every time you wish to use the Panel Web Pages or to take part in any Panel Activities, please check these terms to ensure you understand the terms that apply at that time. These terms were most recently updated on 14th August 2017.
2. Purpose of the Panel
The Panel is made up of our customers and our potential customers who have agreed on a voluntary basis to provide feedback to us. Members may be invited to take part in Panel Activities, depending on the type of research that is taking place. Members may not be invited to take part in every Panel Activity which is carried out. Members may be contacted by email, post or telephone to invite them to take part in Panel Activities. Members may opt out of email, postal and telephone contact by emailing [email protected] confirming that you no longer wish to receive these communications, though this may restrict your participation in the Panel Activities.
By registering to become a Member of the Panel, you recognise that there is no guarantee that Panel Activities will be made available to you. We are under no obligation to provide you with the opportunity to participate in Panel Activities.
Taking part in particular Panel Activities may be subject to separate terms and conditions, which will be notified to you from time to time.
3. Membership of the Panel
To become a Member and to participate in the Panel Activities, you need to register by completing a registration form and opening a Membership Account. The registration form may be available on the XC Trains Limited website or another website hosted by XC Trains Limited, and may be accessed via third party websites or via links in an email/social media message sent to you by us or a third party on our behalf, where you have granted permission to receive these types of communications. The registration form may include any number of questions or may just require your consent to join the Panel. You must be aged 16 years or over to be eligible to open a Membership Account, and Membership is not available to employees of XC (or their families), agents of XC or any third party directly associated with administration of the Panel and/or Panel Activities.
Only one Membership Account is allowed per individual. Where we become aware that a Member has multiple Membership Accounts, we reserve the right to delete any Membership Accounts which are additional to the first Membership Account opened by that Member (“additional Membership Accounts”). Any rewards or prize draw entries accrued in relation to additional Membership Accounts may be forfeited and we may demand reasonable proof of identity in the event of a dispute in relation to a Member’s identity. A unique email address must be used for each Membership Account (for example, this means that multiple family members will not be able to have Membership Accounts using the same shared email address, but each family member may have a separate Membership Account using a unique email address). Each Membership Account may only be accessed by the individual Member assigned to that Membership Account, and may not be accessed by any other individual. You agree to notify us as soon as possible if you become aware of, or suspect, any unauthorised use of your Membership Account or any other breach of security. In the event that your Membership Account is accessed by another individual, we reserve the right, where it is reasonable to do so, to freeze the Membership Account until a resolution has been reached. We reserve the right to reclaim any incentives or prize draw entries earned as a result of access by any unauthorised user, for which the Member will have no recourse against XC.
4. Undertaking regarding information required
You agree to provide true, accurate, current and complete information. If you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, or we have reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, we have the right to suspend or terminate your access to, or use of, your Membership Account and/or to restrict you from taking part in Panel Activities. This is subject to your right to refuse to take part in any Panel Activity.
5. Rewards for participating
Members may accrue rewards by taking part in Panel Activities. Any reward accrued for taking part in a Panel Activity will be notified to Members using authorised communications. You acknowledge that registering to become a Member and taking part in Panel Activities does not guarantee that you will accrue rewards of any kind. Members will only be entitled to rewards in relation to Panel Activities where they have followed all instructions which have been notified to Members in relation to the particular Panel Activities. In the event that a Member fails to correctly follow any such instructions, XC may reserve the right to refuse to grant an award in relation to the relevant Panel Activities, for which the Member will have no recourse against XC. XC may also ask Members to take part in Panel Activities which will give Members the opportunity to enter into a prize draw. Any prize draws will be governed by separate terms and conditions as made available from time to time.
We may offer monetary rewards to Members for participating in Panel Activities, although we do not give any guarantee that Members will receive monetary awards. It is our understanding that the payment of monetary rewards to Members for taking part in Panel Activities is taxable income. Members are not our employees, and it is the sole responsibility of Members to report and pay all taxes due in respect of any income earned from taking part in Panel Activities to the relevant tax authorities. We will not be responsible for any taxation or related costs resulting from any payments made to Members, and Members will be fully responsible for any such taxation and any related costs.
6. Use of information
By agreeing to join the Panel and participating in the Panel Activities, Members acknowledge that they are participating in market research and agree that XC can use any results of the Panel Activities, including information, ideas, responses and feedback provided by Members, in relation to the development and improvement of XC’s products and services. Any information provided will be used for market research purposes only, and not for sales or marketing. All responses provided by Members will be non-attributable and no individual responses will be identified without obtaining the relevant Member’s explicit prior consent. The Panel will be operated in accordance with the Market Research Society Code of Conduct, details of which are available here: https://www.mrs.org.uk/standards/code_of_conduct.
Personal data and any information provided during the Panel Activities will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. We may, on occasion, pass Member details including Personal Data (as defined by the Data Protection Act 1998) onto selected third parties who have been instructed to carry out research on our behalf. Any Personal Data transferred this way will be treated securely and in confidence at all times and will be used for market research purposes only. By agreeing to join the Panel and taking part in the Panel Activities, Members give permission for their Personal Data to be shared with third parties as set out in these terms and conditions.
Your Personal Data will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy which is available to view at https://www.crosscountrytrains.co.uk/privacy-policy.
7. Termination
Membership will continue unless Members ask to retire/unsubscribe from the Panel. Members can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any e-mail received from us, or by emailing us at [email protected] and confirming the unsubscribe request. We will honour any awards accrued by you up until the date you unsubscribe from the Panel. We will process any request to unsubscribe within 28 days of receipt, and you may receive communications via email, post or telephone from us until your request has been processed, unless you have opted out of these communications in accordance with condition 2 above.
8. Our Liability
We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors and for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation. If we fail to comply with these terms, we are responsible for loss or damage you suffer that is a foreseeable result of our failure to comply or our failing to use reasonable care and skill, but we are not responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable. Loss or damage is foreseeable if either it is obvious that it will happen or if, at the time the contract was made, both we and you knew it might happen.
9. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
These terms and conditions, their subject matter and their formation, are governed by English law. You and we both agree that the courts of England and Wales will have exclusive jurisdiction except that if you are a resident of Northern Ireland you may also bring proceedings in Northern Ireland, and if you are resident of Scotland, you may also bring proceedings in Scotland.
- Please note: this offer is not valid on the following routes, services or destinations.
Service and Route Exclusions Origin Destination Service Monday - Friday Manchester Bournemouth 12.25, 13.25, 14.25 Bournemouth Reading 11.45 Bournemouth Manchester 09.45, 10.45 Saturday Manchester Bournemouth 8.25, 12.25, 17.25 Bournemouth Manchester 10.45, 17.45 Manchester Southampton 19.25 Manchester Bristol 9.03 Sunday Manchester Bournemouth 08.26, 13.25 - First Class is available on routes operated by our Voyager trains. Please use a journey planner to see services that offer First Class.
- The promoter of this prize draw is XC Trains Limited whose correspondence address for the purpose of this prize draw is 5th Floor, Cannon House, 18 Priory Queensway, Birmingham B4 6BS (the “Promoter”).
- “Email” means the email sent on Thursday 16 January 2025 to those individuals who have previously signed up to receive marketing communications from the Promoter.
- This prize draw is open to all UK residents aged 18 years or over who have received the Email except employees of the Promoter or its holding or subsidiary companies, their families agents or any third party directly associated with administration of the prize draw.
- This prize draw is free to enter but internet access is required and participants must have received the Email directly from the Promoter.
- To enter this prize draw, simply visit the page URL provided in the Promoter’s Email and complete the online entry form.
- Only one entry per person is permitted.
- The opening date of this prize draw is 11:00am on Thursday 16 January 2025 and the closing date is 11:00am on Thursday Friday 23 January 2025. Entries received outside this timeframe will not be valid.
- The Promoter accepts no responsibility for entries not successfully completed dues to a technical fault, technical malfunction computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind.
- One winner of this prize draw will be randomly selected by a computer process the next working day after the closing date stated in condition 7 (the “Draw Date”).
- The winner will receive the prize of two First Class return rail tickets for travel on the Promoter’s rail services on the Promoter’s rail network (https://www.crosscountrytrains.co.uk/stations-destinations/route-map). Travel must be used within 12 months from the day after the day the prize is delivered. Travel dates and locations are subject to availability and must be booked in advance. All travel is subject to the National Rail conditions of Travel (https://www.nationalrail.co.uk/travel-information/your-rights-and-obligations-as-a-passenger/).
- Any costs incidental to the fulfilment of a prize other than the delivery of such by post are the responsibility of each winner.
- The winner will be notified no later than Monday 27 January 2025 by email (using the email address provided on entry) and will be provided with details of to how to claim their prize and how to organise travel. If a winner does not claim their prize within 7 days of the Draw Date, then the winner’s prize will be forfeited, and the Promoter will be entitled to select another winner in accordance with the process described above.
- The prize will be sent to the winner by post or email (at the winner’s option) within 5 days of the Promoter receiving the winner’s postal or email address. The winner is responsible for providing their correct postal or email address and the Promoter will not accept responsibility for any lost prize and replacements cannot be sent.
- The prize is non-exchangeable, non-negotiable, non-transferable and no cash alternative is offered.
- The Promoter reserves the right to replace the prize with an alternative prize of equal or higher value if circumstances beyond the Promoter’s control makes it necessary to do so.
- The decision of the Promoter regarding any aspect of this prize draw is final and binding and no correspondence will be entered into about it.
- The Promoter must either publish or make available information that indicates that a valid award has taken place. To comply with this obligation the Promoter send the surname and county of major prize winners and, if applicable copies of their winning entries, to anyone who writes to the address set out in condition 1 (enclosing a self-addressed envelope) within 30 days of the relevant closing date stated in condition 7. If you object to any or all of your surname, county and winning entry being published or made available, please contact the Promoter at the address set out in condition 1. In such circumstances, the Promoter must still provide the information and winning entry to the Advertising Standards Authority on request.
- Participants are deemed to have accepted and agreed to be bound by these terms and conditions upon entry. The Promoter reserves the right to refuse entry or refuse to award the prize to anyone in breach of these terms and conditions.
- The Promoter reserves the right to hold void, suspend, cancel, or amend this prize draw where it becomes necessary to do so.
- Insofar as is permitted by law, the Promoter, its agents or distributors will not in any circumstances be responsible or liable to compensate the winner or accept any liability for any loss, damage, personal injury or death occurring as a result of taking up the prize except where it is caused by the negligence of the Promoter, its agents or distributors or that of their employees. Your statutory rights are not affected.
- Personal data provided by you in entering this prize draw will be processed by the Promoter for the purpose of administering the prize draw.
- Personal data supplied during the course of this prize draw will be passed on to third party suppliers only insofar as required for the administration of this prize draw and fulfilment/delivery/arrangement of the prize.
- If you would like to know how the Promoter uses your information, please view the Promoter’s privacy policy at https://www.crosscountrytrains.co.uk/privacy-policy.
- This prize draw is governed by English law, and the parties submit to the jurisdiction of the English courts.
By entering this prize draw (the “Promotion”) you (the “participant”) agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
The Promoter of this Promotion is CrossCountry Trains (XC Trains Limited) whose correspondence address is 5th Floor, Cannon House, 18 The Priory Queensway, Birmingham, B4 6BS, and the Promoter shall not be liable for any interruption to this Promotion whether due to force majeure or other factors beyond the Promoter’s control. This promotion is not associated with any other company.
1. The Promotion is open to residents of the United Kingdom. Any participants must be aged 18 or over.
2. Employees or agents of the Promoter or any of their group companies, or their families or households, or anyone professionally connected to this Promotion are not eligible to enter.
3. This Promotion is free to enter, and no purchase is necessary however internet access and your own genuine personal Facebook or Instagram account is required.
4. Entries will be accepted from [29/01/25] at [9am].
5. The closing date for entries is [02/02/25] at [12pm]. Entries received outside of this timeframe will not be eligible for entry.
6. To enter into the prize draw, participants must:
a) be following the CrossCountry Instagram page (@crosscountrytrains) or Facebook page (@CrossCountry trains); and
b) to enter using Facebook, participants must comment and tag a friend on the Promoter's Facebook post advertising this prize draw. To enter using Instagram, participants must comment and tag a friend on the Promoter's Instagram post advertising this prize draw.
7. Entries must not include or in any way contain:
a) any image of any individual (including but not limited to the participant)
b) obscene or indecent material, including but not limited to nudity, pornography or profanity;
c) defamatory content, including but not limited to words or symbols that are widely considered offensive to individuals of a certain race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or socioeconomic group; and/or
d) threats to any person, place, business, group or world peace.
8. Entries must not invade privacy or other rights of any person, firm or entity, and must not in any other way violate applicable laws and regulations or network standards.
9. Participants may only enter the Promotion once. Duplicate entries will be removed from the Promotion.
10. This Promotion is only available to consumers (e.g. not to any business or reseller). Bulk entries made from trade, consumer groups or third parties will not be accepted. If it becomes apparent that a participant is using a computer(s) to circumvent this condition by, for example, the use of ‘script’, ‘brute force’ or any other automated means, that person’s entries will be disqualified and any prize award will be void.
11. Participants must not use any artificial intelligence app, website or platform to create or enhance any entry. Any participant found to be using artificial intelligence in their entry will be disqualified and any prize award will be void.
12. No responsibility is accepted by the Promoter for lost, delayed or damaged data which occurs during any communication or transmission of entries.
13. Ten winners of this Promotion will be chosen by random draw performed by a computer process on [03/02/25] (the “Draw Date”).
14. The prize for the winner will be 1 x CrossCountry branded jigsaw puzzle.
15. Any costs incidental to the fulfilment of the prize (other than the delivery of such by post in accordance with these terms and conditions) shall be the responsibility of the winner.
16. The winner will be contacted by the Promoter within 10 days of the Draw Date by Facebook or Instagram message to the relevant Facebook or Instagram account used to enter this Promotion and will be asked to provide a postal address for delivery of the prize. The winner will have 14 days from the date the notification was sent to claim their prize.
17. In the event that the winner is unreachable, disqualified, ineligible, or fails to claim the prize in the time required the winner shall forfeit their prize and the Promoter reserves the right to offer the prize to any other participant of the Promotion selected in accordance with the process set out at condition 14.
18. The prize is not transferable, non-exchangeable, non-negotiable and no cash alternative is offered.
19. The Promoter reserves the right to offer an alternative prize of equal or greater value if circumstances beyond the Promoter’s control makes it necessary to do so.
20. When contacting the winner in accordance with condition 17, the Promoter will request the winner’s postal address for fulfilment of the prize. It is the winner’s responsibility to ensure that they provide the correct postal address and the Promoter will not provide a replacement prize if the postal address provided by the winner is incorrect and the Promoter accepts no responsibility for lost prizes.
21. The prize will be delivered to the postal address provided by the winner within 30 days of providing their postal address.
22. The Promoter reserves the right, at its absolute discretion, to disqualify participants who it considers to have not complied with any of these terms and conditions; or any participant who it reasonably believes has interfered with the fair running of this Promotion.
23. The Promoter shall have the right, where necessary, to undertake all such action as is reasonable to protect itself against fraudulent or invalid claims and entries.
24. The Promoter will use any personal data submitted by the participant solely for the purpose of operating this Promotion and for no other purpose unless the winner consents otherwise (see condition 18) . Personal data supplied during the course of this Promotion will be passed on to third party suppliers only insofar as required for fulfilment/delivery/arrangement of the prize.
25. The Promoter must ensure that a valid award has taken place in relation to this Promotion. To comply with this obligation the Promoter will send the surname and county of major prize winners and, if applicable, copies of their winning entries to the Advertising Standards Authority on the request of the Advertising Standards Authority.
26. If you would like to know how the Promoter uses your information please view the Promoter’s privacy policy https://www.crosscountrytrains.co.uk/privacy-policy
27. All the Promoter’s decisions relating to this Promotion are final and binding. No correspondence about the Promotion will be entered into.
28. Insofar as is permitted by law, the Promoter, its agents or distributors will not in any circumstances be responsible or liable to compensate any winner or accept any liability for any loss, damage, personal injury or death occurring as a result of taking up their prize except where it is caused by the negligence of the Promoter, its agents or distributors or that of their employees. Your statutory rights are not affected.
29. The Promoter reserves the rights to vary these terms and conditions or cancel the Promotion at any stage in the event of circumstances arising beyond its control.
30. Promoter acknowledges that this Promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook or Instagram and releases Facebook and Instagram of any and all liability in relation to this Promotion.
31. This Promotion will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. By participating the participants agree that any and all disputes regarding this Promotion will be subject to the jurisdiction of the English courts.
*Saving calculated by comparing CrossCountry Advance Single ticket prices, for 4,808 CrossCountry journeys, to the price of a CrossCountry Rail Sale ticket valid on the flow.
Applies to CrossCountry Advance train ticket for journeys on CrossCountry services only, CrossCountry Rail Sale tickets are available to purchase between 14 January to 20 January 2024 for travel from 21 January to 31 March 2025. Advance tickets are subject to availability. CrossCountry Rail Sale tickets are available on selected routes subject to availability. See Advance ticket terms and conditions. See Rail Sale terms and conditions below.
Savings are correct as of 19 December 2024.
These terms and conditions apply to the Rail Sale, a promotion coordinated by ATOC Ltd on behalf of participating Train Companies for the Promotional Period.
- Over 2 million promotional Rail Sale Tickets will be available on selected journeys across the National Rail network (in England, Wales & Scotland) for the Promotional Period.
- The Promotional Period will start on 14 January 2025 and will end when all Rail Sale Tickets have been sold or on 20 January 2025, whichever is sooner, for travel between 17 January 2025 and 31 March 2025. The number of Rail Sale Tickets available during the Promotional Period is limited and subject to availability.
- Rail Sale Tickets are selected Advance or Off-Peak tickets with fares discounted by individual participating Train Companies, up to 50% off the equivalent full price Advance ticket fare. Where a participating Train Company does not offer Advance tickets, Off-Peak ticket fares may be offered as an alternative. Rail Sale Tickets are not available on all routes or all journeys and may not represent the lowest available fare for a particular journey.
- Rail Sale tickets must be purchased at least 3-7 days in advance of the date of travel. This varies per operator.
- The Rail Sale is promoted via the Rail Sale website and Rail Sale Tickets are available to purchase via participating Train Companies and ticket retailers for the Promotional Period. This is an online sale, please contact the relevant participating Train companies if you require assistance or have specific accessibility requirements.
Selected Routes, Limited Availability and Exclusions
- The number of Rail Sale tickets offered by each participating Train Company will vary and are limited in number.
- Tickets are not available on all routes and at some peak times and are not offered by all Train Companies.
- Availability is subject to specific travel exclusions across some routes due to engineering improvement works. For more details of engineering works please refer to participating Train Company websites.
- Railcard discounts do not apply to Rail Sale Tickets, and no other discounts can be used in conjunction with the Rail Sale Tickets.
- Child tickets can be purchased with the Rail Sale from participating Train Companies and ticket retailers.
- ATOC Ltd reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions without notice and to take appropriate action to close the offer or withdraw the Rail Sale Tickets from sale at any time.
- Usual Train Company terms and conditions of purchase, National Rail Conditions of Travel, Advance and Off-Peak ticket terms and conditions apply.
- The promoter of the Rail Sale is ATOC Ltd on behalf of participating Train Companies. ATOC Limited is a company registered in England and Wales under company no. 03069033, whose registered office is at First Floor North, 1 Puddle Dock, London, England, EC4V 3DS
CrossCountry specific terms and conditions
- In addition to the terms and conditions set out above, the terms and conditions set out below will apply to any Rail Sale Tickets purchased from CrossCountry (“CrossCountry Rail Sale Tickets”).
- CrossCountry are the train operator XC Trains Limited, of 5th Floor, Cannon House, 18 Priory Queensway, Birmingham B4 6BS.
- As part of the Rail Sale, CrossCountry are making [100,000]** CrossCountry Rail Sale Tickets available to purchase for travel on selected routes across the CrossCountry rail network with a discounted price of up to 50% off the equivalent full price fare. For details of CrossCountry routes please visit: https://www.crosscountrytrains.co.uk/stations-destinations/route-map
- Only single journey First Class and Standard Advance tickets will qualify as CrossCountry Rail Sale Tickets.
- All CrossCountry Rail Sale Tickets can be purchased via the CrossCountry website (https://www.buytickets.crosscountrytrains.co.uk/) or the CrossCountry app (App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/train-tickets/id459476759 and Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.crosscountrytrains).
- Please contact CrossCountry Web Support on 0371 244 2389 if you require assistance to purchase CrossCountry Rail Sale Tickets. If you have specific accessibility requirements and require assistance, please visit https://www.crosscountrytrains.co.uk/customer-service/travel-assistance.
- All CrossCountry Rail Sale Tickets will be marked as “Rail Sale Advance Single” or “Rail Sale Advance Single (1st Class)” at the time of purchase.
- The following discount schemes cannot be used to provide any further discount when purchasing CrossCountry Rail Sale Tickets:
- A valid Railcard
- 16 -17 Saver discount;
- TOTUM or NUS extra discount; and/or
- any other promotion (except as set out in these terms and conditions).
- CrossCountry Rail Sale Tickets are only valid for use on CrossCountry’s rail services and will not be accepted by other train operating companies unless extenuating circumstances apply.
- For the avoidance of doubt the following are not CrossCountry Rail Sale Tickets:
- CrossCountry & Connections tickets; and/or
- any return tickets.
- Strictly subject to availability, there is no limit on how many transactions to purchase CrossCountry Rail Sale Tickets an individual may make, however only 18 CrossCountry Rail Sale Tickets can be purchased in any one purchase transaction.
- All CrossCountry Rail Sale Tickets are strictly subject to availability and CrossCountry’s online purchasing terms and conditions: https://www.crosscountrytrains.co.uk/online-purchasing-terms-and-conditions
- Should you have any queries about CrossCountry Rail Sale Tickets please contact CrossCountry using the details stated above
**Ticket numbers checked at [10:00] on [13 January 2025].