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Alternative stations to change at when you're travelling CrossCountry
Many journeys with CrossCountry include a change at Birmingham New Street station, which can be tricky at busy times, especially if you're travelling with children, cycles, or heavy luggage.
While changing trains at Birmingham New Street is unavoidable for some journeys, there are easier, more convenient station options for others. These are Wolverhampton, Cheltenham Spa, Derby and Leamington Spa. In some cases, you will be able to change trains without switching platforms, making your journey even smoother.
These stations all offer the facilities you tell us are important - waiting rooms, toilets, refreshments, and staff ready to help you with connections and other journey information.
View station facilities at Wolverhampton
View station facilities at Cheltenham Spa
View station facilities at Derby
View station facilities at Leamington Spa
The following table shows our recommended location for you to change for the CrossCountry journeys indicated when a direct train isn't available.
*Please note that direct trains may be available at certain times of day.
For example, if you're travelling from Newcastle to Cardiff Central and want to stay the same at Birmingham New Street, you can change to Derby instead.
Please note that if you have booked journey assistance through our Passenger Assist service, you are advised to travel as indicated on your schedule and tickets.